Category: <span>Types of Flowers</span>

  • Poinsettia (poinset’ia) is one of the most popular plants for the Christmas season. It grown for its great clusters of bright scarlet leaves at the ends of long stems. The…

    Types of Flowers

    Oxalis, is the name of a large group of plants that grow chiefly in South Africa and South America. There are about 850 species of oxalis. Many species grow as…

    Types of Flowers

    Orchid. A starving community of Moros, living in the midst of orchids worth many thousands of dollars, was one of the scenes stumbled upon by Fred Burdett while searching for…

    Types of Flowers

    Oleander is an evergreen shrub cultivated for its showy flowers and handsome foliage. It belongs to the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. In warm regions it grows outdoors all year. In cooler…

    Types of Flowers

    Narcissus. A large genus of flowers of the amaryllis family, native to Asia and Europe, is called narcissus. Included are the daffodil, the poet’s narcissus, the jonquil, and others. All…

    Types of Flowers

    Myrtle, is an attractive evergreen shrub or small tree. It grows wild in regions along the Mediterranean Sea and temperate regions of Asia. Some people in the United States cultivate…

    Types of Flowers

    Mustard (mus’turd) is any of several herbaceous plants of the genus Brassica of the mustard family (Cruciferae). This family includes many familiar garden plants, such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli,…

    Types of Flowers

    Mullein (mul’un) is any of several species of the genus Verbascum, biennial herbs of the figwort family. The mullein s leaves are large, thick and densely hairy. The first year…

    Types of Flowers

    Morning glory is any of several flowering vines of the Convolvulaceae family. This family includes hundreds of species found in all the warmer parts of the world. Among them are…

    Types of Flowers

    Moonflower is an attractive flower in the morning glory family. It is a climbing vine that may grow 10 feet (3 meters) high. It’s broad, heart shaped leaves block sunlight…

    Types of Flowers