Category: <span>Types of Flowers</span>

  • DANDELION. The word dandelion comes from the French dent de lion, meaning lion’s tooth. This name was given to the plant because of the toothed margins of its leaves. When…

    Types of Flowers

    DAISY. Poets have been inspired by the daisy. Everyone knows some species or other. It may be the common white oxeye field daisy, or black-eyed Susan with its yellow-ray flowers,…

    Types of Flowers

    DAHLIA, a member of the Compositae family is a flowering plant. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Dahlias were cultivated by the Aztecs, taken to…

    Types of Flowers

    DAFFODIL, a member of the Amaryllidaceae family, is a common flowering plant. Narcissus is the name of the genus that includes daffodils, narcissuses, and jonquils. Narcissus and daffodil are both…

    Types of Flowers

    Cyclamen. The cyclamen grows wild in the Mediterranean regions of Europe, Asia, and northern Africa, where it blooms in early spring or late fall. When flower lovers discovered that cyclamens…

    Types of Flowers

    Cumin, is a small herb grown for its fruit. The dried fruit, commonly called cumin seed, is primarily used to season foods. The plant, native to the Mediterranean region, is…

    Types of Flowers

    Crocus, flowering plants that bloom in the spring or in the fall. They belong to the iris family. Their original home was in the warmer parts of Europe and Asia,…

    Types of Flowers

    COWSLIP. The American wild flower most commonly called cowslip is the marsh marigold, which is really neither a cowslip nor a fanfold, but belongs to the crowfoot family, In their…

    Types of Flowers

    Coreopsis is a large group of plants related to the sunflower. They are commonly called tickseeds. The plants may be from 1.5 to 4 feet (46 to 120 centimeters) high.…

    Types of Flowers

    CHRYSANTHEMUM is a genus of about 100 species of plants in the family Compositae. The chrysanthemum has been cultivated in the Far East for more than 2500 years. It is…

    Types of Flowers